Fabricante y distribuidor de fertilizantes e adubos ecológicos
News about the fertilizers sector

Carbo-Eco Quick Wet, the organic farming version of Quick Wet

Mokante para fitosanitarios en agricultura ecológica

Carbo-Eco Quick Wet is the latest in the Carbotecnia catalogue of products for organic farming. Carbo-Eco Quick Wet is certified by BCS KIWA, one of the most restrictive certifiers to ensure that Carbotecnia's organic products cover practically all local regulations throughout the world.

Carbo-Eco Quick Wet has been successfully tested in the laboratory and on crops. After achieving certification for use in organic farming, it has been placed on the market with all guarantees.

The most important features are:

·        Corrects Mn and Zn deficiencies.

·        Enhances the effect of foliar treatments applied together, reducing passes and dose.

·        Due to the pH of the Mn and Zn components, evaporation and volatilization losses are reduced.

·        Specific carboxylic acids reduce the surface tension of the droplets, thus increasing the contact surface.

·        Uniform distribution of treatments.

·        Improves the process of absorption and translocation of nutrients and active substances..

Listening to market needs has been one of the most important cross-cutting tasks for the company. Thanks to this attitude, we were able to launch highly successful products on the market, such as Carbo-Eco Quick Wet.

Additional information : www.carbotecnia.com/fertilizers/organic-farming/carbo-eco-quick-wet_854_67_2722_0_1_pro.html

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