Manufacturer and distributor of fertilizers
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Research and Development in fertilizers

The effectiveness of our fertilizers is carefully checked for taking care of your plants from root to fruit.

Treatment for blossom end rot

Plants imbalanced nutrition may cause physiopathies or makes the plant more vulnerable to the attacks of pathogens or external abiotic agents. Carbotecnia has high-quality nutritional solutions based on the use of Low Molecular Weight Carboxylic Acids that suit your needs to prevent the appearance of many physiopathies:

Blossom end rot

The physiopathy known as blossom end rot is due to a calcium deficiency located in the placenta and pericarp of the fruit. As a consequence, the fruit growth stops, the affected area becomes brown, and an apical necrosis appears.

The deficiency, apart from nutritional, can be triggered by different causes, such as genetic, environmental (transpiration, salinity, etc.).

Approximately 50% of the calcium transported through the xylem in the plants is complexed with different Carboxylic Acids.

How to control blossom end rot

Into the Carbotecnia range of products, can be found some that have performed successfully, in all trials that have been placed in different countries, when absorption, transport and deposition have been analyzed, products that share a cocktail of Carboxylic Acids, such as Carbosoil, Brioascent, CBT Tecnocalcio, Turbocalcio Plus, Carbotecnia Algas-Ca, etc.

Blossom end rot tomate

 Evaluation of the quality, quantity and post-harvest life in Lamuyo pepper treated with Carbosoil and CBT Tecnocalcio.

Blossom end rot physiopathy decreased by 2.1% with Carbosoil (root application) and almost completely disappeared (- 3.4%) combined with CBT Tecnocalcio (leaf application). Yield increased by 26% with these treatments.


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Carbotecnia brand is innovation in agriculture. The intrinsic quality of our fertilizers, the guarantee and the safety in the production processes is our customers satisfaction.

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