Fabricante y distribuidor de fertilizantes y abonos
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Research and Development in fertilizers

The effectiveness of our fertilizers is carefully checked for taking care of your plants from root to fruit.

How to solve tip-burn

Plants imbalanced nutrition may cause physiopathies or makes the plant more vulnerable to the attacks of pathogens or external abiotic agents. Carbotecnia has high-quality nutritional solutions based on the use of Low Molecular Weight Carboxylic Acids that suit your needs to prevent the appearance of many physiopathies:


 Tipburn is the marginal collapse and necrosis, at or near the leaf margins, of rapidly expanding inner lettuce leaves. 

Tip Burn may affect lettuces, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.

Treatment for tip-burn:

One of the more advisable practices consists of the application of special formulas based on very assimilable calcium: Carbosoil, CBT Tecnocalcio, etc.

It is also convenient to improve the irrigation systems by adapting the dose and the frequency of water to the type of farming.

Tip burn lechuga falta de calcio

Evaluation of tip-burn incidence and yield of Natacha escarole treated with Carbosoil and CBT Tecnocalcio.

The CARBOTECNIA products reduced the percentage of plants affected by tip-burn by 50%, and the number of leaves with symptoms (burned tips) by 60%. The yield increased by 10%.

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