Manufacturer and distributor of fertilizers
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Manure and fertilizer quality seals for organic farming

“The improvement of the quality of the services and the normative compliance is the basis of the development of our work towards the partners. But it is not enough just to say it, we must also prove it"

Official and internal tests of our products.

Yearly a number of trials are placed in collaboration with official laboratories, prestigious public and private centers and our facilities in order to achieve all these certifications, be assured that our quality standards are fulfilled and and improving our technical support.

Examine some of the most notable tests or consult our technical department.

All trials are available for been consulted; furthermore our technical department is at the disposal of our customers.

Examine some of the most notable tests or consult our technical department.


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Carbotecnia brand is innovation in agriculture. The intrinsic quality of our fertilizers, the guarantee and the safety in the production processes is our customers satisfaction.

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