Carbotecnia, one of the companies belonging to the European Commission FP7 “NATUCROP” project for high yield improvement in the crops.
The European Commission launched on the 6 November 2012 a project run by the FP7 called “NATURCROP”. The said project has reunited several company leaders of the fertilizer and
The global food demand is expected to increase a 50% in 2030 and it will double in 2015 due to the population growth and its highest concentration in urban
Nevertheless, the land’s non-food use is growing, many synthetic pesticides are being withdrawn from the markets for security reasons and climatology is becoming increasingly unpredictable. The resurgence of the biotic (plagues, plant diseases, etc.) and the abiotic stress (climate, drought, salinity) is imminent. For that
“NATUCROP”, will develop a line of bio-stimulant products of