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Carbotecnia and AEVAE

Carbotecnia and AEVAE


The Spanish Association for the Container’s Accountability (AEVAE), is a non-profit association created with the aim of organizing an alternative system of agricultural packaging collection to provide them a suitable environmental treatment, in order to make it easier for the diverse agents involved, farmers, distributors and fertilizers and/or agrochemical manufacturers, to collect the packages that they place into the domestic market and to facilitate the compliance with the rules in force.

 Implemented at a national level, AEVAE has begun its activity at the beginning of this year, providing collection service of packages that are identified with the AEVAE symbol, as well as those linked to associate companies.

AEVAE has 22 founding partners (21 member companies of AEFA and Heura Gestión Ambiental amongst which CARBOTECNIA is to be found.

 These and other services and advantages for the agricultural and environmental sector are offered by AEVAE:

 ► A solid option to the actual system that facilitates free trade.

 ► An alternative system to the rural area, in order to manage the containers of agricultural products on a suitable way.

 ► Providing the assembly centers an output to the packages that are not part of the actual system.

 ► Facilitating the companies affiliated to the regulatory compliance and ensuring the collection and valorization of the packages they issue to domestic market.

 ► Ensure the valorization of all of the packages collected and the logistics optimization for packages collection, reducing their storage times.

 ► Those subscriber fertilizers and/or agrochemical manufacturers are exempted with the Public Administrators (local, autonomic, national), of the management of the packaging wastes issued to the market, and of informing the Spanish Association for the Container’s Accountability, that complies with these obligations. 


Que los fabricantes de fertilizantes y/o agroquímicos adheridos, queden eximidos ante las Administraciones Públicas (locales, autonómicas, nacionales) de la gestión de los residuos de envases puestos en el mercado y de informar, haciéndose cargo de dichas obligaciones, a la Asociación Española para la Valorización  de envases.

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La marca Carbotecnia significa innovación en la agricultura, calidad intrínseca de producto, garantía y seguridad en los procesos productivos , que se traduce en la satisfacción de nuestros clientes.

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