Fabricante y distribuidor de fertilizantes e adubos ecológicos
News about the fertilizers sector

CARBO-ECO ALGAS, the new fertilizer for organic farming.

CARBO-ECO ALGAS, the new fertilizer for organic farming

In Carbotecnia we launched a product based on high concentration natural extracts of algae, manufactured through ecological processes, authorized by the German certifier KIWA BCS Öko-Garantie for use in organic farming under the norms:

     · European: (EC) nº 889/2008, Annex I (European Union).

     · American: USDA/NOP-Final rule (USA) §205.601(j)(1)

CARBO-ECO ALGAS contributes a high proportion of natural phytohormones that once applied to the vegetable stimulate its vegetative growth, flowering, fruits filling and ripening . In addition, the application of CARBO-ECO ALGAS is highly recommended in any abiotic stress situation, to overcome the harmful effects on the plant due to frost, hail, strong winds, water stress, transplants, strong pruning, lack of accumulation of reserves, vegetative stop, etc.

 With this new product, at Carbotecnia we expect our customers to experience a better harvest performance and a better quality of their products, without losing the natural and respectful character that distinguish organic farming.

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