Fabricante y distribuidor de fertilizantes y abonos
5 L
Productos estándar
Deficiency Correctors

Micronutrients liquid mixture

Aplicación foliar Ácidos carboxílicos
By composition
Zinc: 0,5 % Zn (w/w) - Water-soluble zinc.
Manganese: 1,5 % Mn (w/w) - Water-soluble manganese.
CARBOTECNIA QUICK WET PLUS is a manganese and zinc deficiencies corrector fertilizer, which favours the rapid absorption of Mn, Zn and other products that are added together with them. It avoids evaporation with smaller and more uniform drop size, increasing the wetted surface and penetrating power.
It increases the molecular translocation quickly and efficiently, optimizing the quality and quantity of the harvest, avoiding damage derived from deficiencies such as chlorosis, ´foliocellosis´ (of special incidence in citrus) or small and poor quality fruits (tasteless and colourless).
General Dosage: To correct small deficiencies by improving
absorption: 50-100 cc/ha of treatment mixture.
Correctors of deficiencies
Printed informations of the page: https://www.carbotecnia.com/v_portal/productos/productover.asp?cod=507&te=144&idage=1660&vap=0


C/Princesa, 25, planta 1ª, oficina 5
Madrid, 28008
Tfn: +34 91 140 33 02