Fabricante y distribuidor de fertilizantes y abonos
1 L

Complexed iron solution, as soil conditioner or substrate (in hydroponics).

Aplicación radicular Ácidos carboxílicos
By composition
Iron: 3,2 % Fe (w/w) - Water-soluble iron.
Complexed with L.M.W. carboxylic acids.
Fertilizers assimilation enhancer, it favours nutrients uptake.It is a soil improver, it optimizes parameters such as Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH, nutrients ratio, absorption and soil-water-plant ratio.
Especially suitable for hydroponics, it improves the chemical conditions of the nutrient solution.
General Dosage: 2-5 l/ha
Hydroponics: 80-100 l/ha
For generic water consumption of 6000 m3 / ha of cultivation

Improvement of structure and decompactation: 2-4 l/ha
First shock treatment: 5-10 l/ha
Throughout the crop, every 7-15 days

Root Bioactivator: 2-4 l/ha
Throughout the crop every 7 days

Desalinator: 3-6 l/ha
Throughout the crop every 7 days
Maximum dose 30-40 l/ha

Better assimilation of fertilizers and chelates: 2-5 l/ha
Lemons: 15 cc/tree + chelate
Mandarins: 10 cc/tree + chelate
Oranges: 8 cc/tree + chelat

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Printed informations of the page: https://www.carbotecnia.com/v_portal/productos/productover.asp?cod=2&te=13&idage=180&vap=0


C/Princesa, 25, planta 1ª, oficina 5
Madrid, 28008
Tfn: +34 91 140 33 02